
Drama, how it makes me feel. | April 19, 2012

My experiences with drama are actually pretty intense. In high school I went to se the show Wicked on Broadway in New York, while marching in the Macys Thanksgiving Day parade with my high school band. I also worked with the theater department for my high school I helped build props, stage setting, lighting and many other aspects on the production side of drama. Not only have I worked or prop building, but I also played in the pit orchestra for three years. I was never an actor in the plays our school did but I was always a part of them. I played the French horn in productions such as In to the woods, Les Miserable and Evita. It was always fun but really hard work because you always had to play exactly the same because people were depending on you to play it the same because they were singing along. It was extremely frustrating working with a perfectionist director who kept wanting to do the same scene over and over again until it was right because we would sometimes play the same three lines of music for about an hour sometimes.

Drama to me is extremely versatile and interesting because there are many different kinds of drama. There is serious drama, musicals, Shakespearian, and even comedy.  There is no way to hate drama because there is a sub drama out there for everybody. Even though I love musicals (who doesn’t?) my favorite is dramas are the more funny ones, such as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead and a midsummer nights dream. Simply because they are funny and not serious such as Death of A salesmen or Hamlet. Those are good drams, don’t get men wrong, but I like funny dramas just a little better. Also Romeo and Juliet is way over quoted, used, and referenced, it is a good story about teenagers “falling in love instantly” then killing themselves but come on use something else for a change.

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